Nov 10, 2014 | Event Diary, Gig Photography
Amplidyne Effect performed an improvised ambient/electronic set at the venue Kula in Skopje on 10th November 2014 as part of promotion for 4 releases that year as Meissa Ionis and Amplidyne Effect. Big thanks to Sasho Prilepchanski for the video and photographs....
Oct 24, 2013 | Event Diary, Gig Photography
Amplidyne Effect performed with Toni Dimitrov, Marko Kuculovski and Sonja Dimitrioska on the release party for Oldcast #50 – Blossom, the first album of Amplidyne Effect. This event happened on 24th October 2013, where they performed a live improvised gig at...
Feb 27, 2010 | Event Diary, Gig Photography
Amplidyne Effect (Synths, Guitar) played first gig with Vasko Serafimov (Synths, Programming), promoting his album along with Venko Serafimov (Guitar, Vocals) on 27th February 2010 at the venue “Dom na Mladi” Stip, Macedonia.