Amplidyne Effect & Kashmir – Suspended Soul (EP)

Released April 11th 2016
(AMPEFF 009)
Ambient / Dream Pop / Electronic
Amplidyne Effect & Kashmir - Suspended Soul (EP)

Amplidyne Effect and Melisa Blomberg from Buenos Aires, Argentina worked on two highly positively reviewed songs on soundcloud, cover for Radiohead’s song ‘Videotape’ and the combined effort for Suspended Soul, a dreampop-electronic dream journal with lyrics from Melissa, each of them with over 700 plays on Soundcloud (combined profiles). This collaboration sees it’s day through the internet, combined works over e-mail and facebook. Melisa also provides her synths on “Oldcast #39 – Resonant Distance” and “Oldcast #50 – Blossom”. An improvised track called “Interpol” with Melisa’s vocals surfaced on Soundcloud and was released as part of a various artist compilation on Tropic 69. Suspended Soul was a collaborative track created by Amplidyne Effect and vocals by Kashmir in 2014.

  • Amplidyne Effect – Guitars, Synthesizers, Drum Loops
  • Kashmir – Vocals, Voice Processing and Editing, Synthesizer
    • Mastered by Martin Georgievski