Amplidyne Effect and Melisa Blomberg from Buenos Aires, Argentina worked on two highly positively reviewed songs on soundcloud, cover for Radiohead’s song ‘Videotape’ and the combined effort for Suspended Soul, a dreampop-electronic dream journal with lyrics from Melissa, each of them with over 700 plays on Soundcloud (combined profiles). This collaboration sees it’s day through the internet, combined works over e-mail and facebook. Melisa also provides her synths on “Oldcast #39 – Resonant Distance” and “Oldcast #50 – Blossom”. An improvised track called “Interpol” with Melisa’s vocals surfaced on Soundcloud and was released as part of a various artist compilation on Tropic 69. Suspended Soul was a collaborative track created by Amplidyne Effect and vocals by Kashmir in 2014.