Piotr Cisak LIVE (Poland)

30.11.2017, 20h, SC Dunja
Entrance: Recommended donation for the artist

“Volcanic landscapes are seen in the sulfuric acid fogs – radioactive waves and noises surround the shell of spacecraft, but it is steadily moving. And this run is joyful.”

Piotr Cisak releases music for Ostroga, Swamp Tapes, Craneal Fracture, Attenuation Circuit, Frozen Light, Twin Springs Tapes and many more. He led radio broadcasts from Radiofonia for a year (2011/12). He performed in Germany, Austria, France, Poland, Albania and at the Festival Audioriver, Ambient Park, Tauron Nowa Muzyka, Ambientalny. His album was in the TOP 100 best albums of 2015 in magazine Avant Music News. Performs music in USA, Canada, Portugal,Spain, France, UK, Denmark, Austria, Germany, Russia.
