Jul 22, 2022 | Latest News
The album “Moribund Neighborhoods” found its way on the latest magazine issue on TURBULENCES VIDÉO. Read the review here: https://videoformes.com/magazine/ English translation: Amplidyne Effect is the name of the project initiated in 2009 by Macedonian...
Aug 10, 2018 | Event Diary
“After a very fruitful year in 2017 for the Post Global Trio, each of the members of this central station for ambient sound in the Balkans, continued with its sound adventures as solo projects. Amplidyne Effect was founded in 2009 by Martin Georgievski and after...
Apr 4, 2018 | Latest News
Macedonian band POST GLOBAL TRIO first appeared back in 2014, releasing two albums that year and with at least two more albums to their name following this. The self-titled album “Post Global Trio” is one of the two albums that dates back to 2014, and was released...
Feb 12, 2018 | Latest News
Read the latest review on “Gloria on Canvas” written on nomads.mk Macedonian: Албумот Gloria On Canvas преку замислено насликаните предели на платното што се јавуваат пред вашите очи ќе ве натера целосно да се опуштите и да отпатувате со своите мисли. Тоа...
Jun 19, 2017 | Latest News
Big thanks to Foreign Accents for reviewing our album Minus Seven with Post Global Trio. You can read the review bellow and visit the Foreign Accents Website. Review from Foreign Accents. Another great one from Amsterdam’s Shimmering Moods, who deserve major cred for...
May 30, 2017 | Latest News
Source: Okno.mk (2009-2017 okno.mk, сите права се задржани.) Text by: Jana Koleva Годинешното 16-то издание на фестивалот на светска музика Оф фест, ни понуди убаво дозиран спој на емотивна, мистична и енергична традиционална музика од различни страни на светот. За...
May 17, 2017 | Latest News
Spencer Doran и Ryan Carlile (Visible Cloaks) се студенти по музичка историја од Портланд, Орегон, кои нема да се обесхрабрат така лесно и откажат од продукција кога нивниот звук би бил еднострано обележан како уште еден обид за new age ескапизам. Нивната визија е да...
Apr 4, 2017 | Latest News
Glaswegian Galaxian returns with 6 refined cuts aimed solely at the dancefloor. Dosing the Population takes 6 freshly cut slices from Galaxian’s electro palette. Fusing heavy machine breaks with subsonic acid mayhem, the first two tracks create an electroid...