Post Global Trio @ KRIK Festival (21st November 2018)
Post Global Trio will be performing for this year’s edition of KRIK Festival on the 21st November 2018 starting at 21:00 at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Skopje, Macedonia. ALERT! At the gates of power – expect exclusion “Alas,” said the mouse,...
AMBIENT IN LIVE @ S.C Dunja 25th February, 2018 (20:00)
Related show Artist: Various Artists Date: 25/02/18 Time: 8:00pm Venue: S.C Dunja City: Skopje Address: ул. Рајко Жинзифов 22, Скопје Country: Macedonia Age restrictions: All Ages Notes: Ambient in Live presents: Sound_00 + Lefterna Presents “ELEMENTALS”...
Show 509: SLOWNESS by Martin Georgievski from Kanal103
SLOWNESS was a conceptual release for Radia.fm released in 2014 Slowless is a conceptual sound of elements of music slowed down beyond recognition with sounds retrieved from violin, vocals, synthesizers and other noise sounds from the city. This sound might be sound...
Post Global Trio in Skopje on 18/12/16 (Ako Nikoj Ne Sviri, Kanal 103)
After a year and a half, Post Global Trio are playing a radio session on 18th December 2016, on the radio show “Ako Nikoj Ne Sviri” with the original lineup: Martin Georgievski, Dimitar Dodovski and Toni Dimitrov. Start: 22:00 Check Kanal 103 Facebook...
01.10.2016 De:sonanz 2016 performance gallery.
Opening the 2016 year of De:sonanz Festival were Amplidyne Effect & Ogie performing along with Kumo (Jono Podmore) in the Dancing Hall of MKC. The performance was held on the 1st of October along with the annual White Nights event of Skopje. Big thanks to Doğan...
De:sonanz Festival 2016 // Neo:Trad
De:sonanz Festival 2016 // Neo:Trad 10 дена уметност / 10 дена музика / 50+ артисти кои ќе го трансформираат Скопје во епицентар на современата култура. МКЦ Скопје + други локации низ градот. Детални информации за програмата и online продажба на карти:www.desonanz.org...